Downloadable brochures for each product can be accessed by clicking on the instrument image to the right of the description
ELISA Semi-Automated Analyzers
Stat Fax 4200
Catalog Number 4200
Standalone ELISA microplate reader
Measures Absorbance of 96 wells in approximately 12 seconds
Easy to use with touch-screen display and built-in printer
Selectable plate formatting will read trays containing microstrips
Monochromatic or bichromatic reading
Four filter model (405, 450, 492, 630 nm)
Optional additional filters for six filter VIS model
ChroMate 4300
Catalog Number 4300
PC-controlled ELISA 8-channel microplate reader
Measures Absorbance of 96 wells in approximately 12 seconds
Automatically positions plate, blanks, reads & calculates results
User-friendly intuitive software interface
Use with your own PC
4 standard filters (405, 450, 492, 630 nm)
Optional additional filters for six filter VIS model
Software compatible with Microsoft® Windows®
Stat Fax 4700
Catalog Number 4700
Standalone ELISA strip reader
Microstrip reader with bi-chromatic photometer system, works with both break-apart and non-break-apart strips
Auto-Track™ feature reads all 3 strips automatically
LCD display, easy to use built-in printer and touch-screen
Four filter model (405, 450, 492, 630 nm)
Optional additional filters for six filter VIS model
UV filters are also available for this unit